"Redeeming the time, because the days are evil." (Ephesians 5:16 KJV)

Samuel, it’s time for you to learn the difference between “redeeming the time” and succumbing to a “busy spirit.”
These words were apart of the most recent “carpet conversation” that the Lord began to have with me. If the truth were really told, I completely despise each of these conversations. Mainly, because within them, the Lord has the uncanny ability to call out of me those things that I believe are good. And sometimes they are, but they are not God.
A wise man once told me, “Sam, you have to discern the difference between good-things and God-things.” This has become so true, as I daily strive to please God, serve others, and be the best version of me, I can be. But the ultimate truth is this: only one of these three things can happen at a time and without any direct interference from the other.
I believe our lives are broken into three distinct aspects, which ultimately tie into the previous three: God, others, and ourselves. And from our understanding of each of these things, specifically the first, we will be granted the ability to operate in the next, and so on and so forth. But what happens when the “life triangle” (as I would like to call it) gets twisted or skewed in an up-side-down manner? What happens when we allow the cares of others to invade our understanding of God? Or if we mistake our supposed personal truth, with the truth that God has already spoken over us, before the foundations of the world?
I would dare say that half of the troubles and tribulations that are equally experienced in the world, are the direct result of a skewed “life triangle.” In fact, much of the tire that has been present in my own life has been due to my own personal life triangle being off, skewed, and disrupted.
As a Believer, I have fallen to the mistake of calling my excessive busyness only “buying up the time” and redeeming it for the Lord. So often I have been under the assumption that I must do more, be more, accomplish more, and add more to my hypothetical plate in order to present to the world my ultimate high-class spirituality. However, this road of thinking has been so wrong. So entirely wrong that the Lord had to call me to the carpet on it.
He questioned me and asked me to look deep into the inner sanctum of my own soul and distinguish the places where I had allowed busyness to overtake the God given principle of honoring time. For ultimately at the heart of the matter, my busyness was nothing but a level of dishonor to God and the time He had given me. While to others my life may have seemed good, productive, and not idle; to God it was a much different story. A story of neglecting the God-things for the good-things.
But thankfully, He was merciful, gracious, and kind enough to remind me of the condition of my heart. And in the same way, reminding you to check your own heart too!
Learning to rest,
Samuel, it’s time for you to lean the difference between “redeeming the time” and succumbing to a “busy spirit.”
These words were apart of the most recent “carpet conversation” that the Lord began to have with me. If the truth were really told, I completely despise each of these conversations. Mainly, because within them, the Lord has the uncanny ability to call out of me those things that I believe are good. And sometimes they are, but they are not God.
A wise man once told me, “Sam, you have to discern the difference between good-things and God-things.” This has become so true, as I daily strive to please God, serve others, and be the best version of me, I can be. But the ultimate truth is this: only one of these three things can happen at a time and without any direct interference from the other.
I believe our lives are broken into three distinct aspects, which ultimately tie into the previous three: God, others, and ourselves. And from our understanding of each of these things, specifically the first, we will be granted the ability to operate in the next, and so on and so forth. But what happens when the “life triangle” (as I would like to call it) gets twisted or skewed in an up-side-down manner? What happens when we allow the cares of others to invade our understanding of God? Or if we mistake our supposed personal truth, with the truth that God has already spoken over us, before the foundations of the world?
I would dare say that half of the troubles and tribulations that are equally experienced in the world, are the direct result of a skewed “life triangle.” In fact, much of the tire that has been present in my own life has been due to my own personal life triangle being off, skewed, and disrupted.
As a Believer, I have fallen to the mistake of calling my excessive busyness only “buying up the time” and redeeming it for the Lord. So often I have been under the assumption that I must do more, be more, accomplish more, and add more to my hypothetical plate in order to present to the world my ultimate high-class spirituality. However, this road of thinking has been so wrong. So entirely wrong that the Lord had to call me to the carpet on it.
He questioned me and asked me to look deep into the inner sanctum of my own soul and distinguish the places where I had allowed busyness to overtake the God given principle of honoring time. For ultimately at the heart of the matter, my busyness was nothing but a level of dishonor to God and the time He had given me. While to others my life may have seemed good, productive, and not idle; to God it was a much different story. A story of neglecting the God-things for the good-things.
But thankfully, He was merciful, gracious, and kind enough to remind me of the condition of my heart. And in the same way, reminding you to check your own heart too!
Learning to rest,