
One day Jesus came to be baptized along with all the others. As he was consumed with the spirit of prayer, the heavenly realm ripped open above him and the Holy Spirit descended from heaven in the visible, tangible form of a dove and landed on him. Then God’s audible voice was heard, saying, “My Son, you are my beloved one. Through you I am fulfilled.” Luke 3:21-22 TPT
The Father Says, “I Am Pleased With You.”
The Father says, “Son, daughter; You are My joy! It’s not your doing that delights me, it’s your being. There is no need to strive in My love. Simply come and abide with Me and in Me.
Yield to My all-consuming love. Surrender your burdens, and rest in My pleasure, for I am pleased with you.”
The late Billy Graham once said, “Although I have much to be grateful for as I look back over my life, I also have many regrets. For one thing, I would speak less and study more, and I would spend more time with my family. I would also spend more time in spiritual nurture, seeking to grow closer to God so I could become more like Christ.”
Millions were touched by Billy Graham’s ministry, yet at the end of his life, he desired to spend less time speaking, more time with his family, and more time seeking the Lord.
The tendency of man is to get caught up in the whirl of doing, doing, doing. Our fast- paced culture does it's best to lure us into busyness and distraction. However, the posture of our hearts as children in the arms of our Father should be to rest, rest, rest. The revelation of Abba Father’s pleasure in us breaks off self-effort and guides us out of striving into simplicity.
The pleasure of God will never draw us into busyness, rather it will always invite us to His nearness. A. W. Tozer once said, “A man who grows in friendship with God, finds his life to be more and more simple.” There is a wooing from His depth to ours, a beckoning into the simplicity of enjoyment, communion, and adoration. The life of a laid-down lover of Jesus is not striving to receive His pleasure, but abiding from His pleasure. For the Father says, "I am pleased with you.”
“I am the sprouting vine and you’re My branches. As you live in union with Me as your source, fruitfulness will stream from within you—but when you live separated from Me you are powerless.” John 15:5 TPT